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Monthly Archives: April 2014

Easter Thoughts

Now that we’ve gotten over our chocolate and sugar buzz from all the Easter candy that we said we weren’t going to touch, but did anyway, I thought I’d add a few words to the celebration.

As a Licensed Unity Teacher and a metaphysician, I look at the Easter season differently than most, whether Christian or not. No just from a metaphysical point of view, but from my own personal point of view. What am I experiencing as I walk through the Holy Week?

Palm Sunday is a time of Celebration. What am I celebrating as my spiritual journey moves forward? I could look back a see where I have traveled from, moving from childhood attending a traditional Sunday School and Church Service through my search for a place to belong to finding Unity. My personal journey was fraught with a variety of stumbling, falling, and getting up again, but still a celebration to the successes on the way.

And what of my thoughts? The throngs of cheering people along the road to Jerusalem are all good thoughts. My thoughts have changed from self-doubt and victimhood to thoughts of power and joy. And I take these joyous thoughts into Holy Thursday.

Maundy Thursday…the Last Supper. An evening of betrayal. How have I been betrayed? How have I betrayed myself? What did I learn about those situations? About myself? Did I allow myself to be betrayed?

Good Friday-the Crucifixion. When was I crucified? By who? When have I crucified myself? What does it mean to be crucified? How can one recover from crucifixion?
Easter Sunday-resurrection! When have I experienced a resurrection? What caused it? What did I do when it happened? Did I do anything after the resurrection?

I love a good question, mostly because it makes me think. And in my classes, I tend to ask questions in hopes that my students think. For in thinking, we learn and grow.