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Monthly Archives: July 2014

It’s the Start of Something Good

In one week, we will have enjoyed our first Sunday Celebration Service at the new Unity of Rehoboth Beach. I one week I will either be sitting here, contemplating the few tweaks that have to be performed before next Sunday or I will be panicking because the Celebration was no celebration to talk about.

This adventure has been a long time coming. I ‘found’ Unity in the early nineties. It took me a little time to get into it, mostly because I let another determine my path. But once I started attending that little church in Mechanicsburg, PA, I was hooked.

It didn’t take long before I was taking classes to discover who I really was. Then, I looked at taking these classes for credit, encouraged by one of my mentors, Rev. Erica Tranthum, to work toward being licensed by Unity.

That was a long road, but it culminated in being licensed in the spring of 2011, under the direction of another mentor, Rev. Toni Fish.

So, I’ve been here in the Rehoboth Beach area for a year and half, facilitating book discussion groups in an effort to be of service to the folks here who are looking for something more in their lives. And after a year of those groups, it was time to take the next step…apply to Unity Worldwide Headquarters for official recognition as a pioneer ministry.

And we were approved! Thinking I could get things running quickly I looked to have the first Sunday Service on Father’s Day. But, that was put on hold when I had an accident as I was heading home to Pennsylvania for the Memorial Day weekend. I’m still recovering from the broken bones from that accident.

The delay was actually a good thing. I had much more to do to prepare for the opening Sunday. There’s a lot more legal things to attend to than I had ever imagined.

But the even better thing that happened from the accident was finding out what a wonderful support group we have grown here. I had friends taking care of everything from the insurance claim to the dogs, to me when I came home from the hospital with strict instructions to not walk on the left leg or bend it.

This wonderful group of people cleaned, did grocery shopping, took the dogs for grooming, helped me from room to room, cooked and provided meals, drove me to appointments…they did all kinds of things to make sure I could concentrate on healing.

I am truly blessed. And I hope they realize who they are and how grateful I am for the service they provided and still provide. I can drive now, but I can’t mow the grass, can’t get the dogs to the groomer, can’t even get groceries.

So, what is this message all about? Not sure. Another attempt to thank those people who have gone out of their way to help me, and yet, I know that service to others is what love is all about.   And I know that those people who have helped me have done so from their heart.

And so I am so grateful, as the song goes, so blessed. Thanks you my friends.